Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Previously in my life

Dear Reader(s),

Previously in my life I have had fun in the sun. Limoges has, like the UK, had a small sunny period which my friends and I have greatly enjoyed. Last week Steph and I had a trip to town which ended with a G&T in the sunlight (although the G&T was overpriced, so I will be sticking to my usual bière fraise from now on). We also had a raclette night at Ashley's (the party included Ashley, Steph, me, Aidan and Jake) which was amazing and after a bit of The Dark Knight Steph and I left but funnily enough Aidan stayed alone with Ashley... looks like things have started up again there.

We have had a lake day too, Ashley took Aidan, Steph and me in her car to a nearby lake that we like and we spent a few hours there, having a picnic, kicking a ball around, sun bathing, reading and generally chilling out.

On Sunday Steph and I had a great day together, we went for a run and then played tennis followed by FINALLY hovering our rooms (the hover had been broken for 3 weeks!) a skype date, and then (don't judge) we walked to Mc Donald's where we saw some real Irish traveler gypsies (highlight of my life - I'm obsessed with gypsies since watching Big Fat Gypsy Weddings).

I just said good bye to Steph and Aidan for 10 days because they're going to Barcelona tomorrow morning until Sunday, but I'm going to Barrow on Friday until the next Sunday.

Tomorrow I'm going to Ashley's for some wine and DVDs, then it's pretty much pack, do YAWT and go to Barrow!

A presto ...


  1. Barrow's slang for bone marrow... bet you didn't know that

  2. Well there we are...
