Thursday 15 September 2011

living the dream

Dear reader(s)

I am here and alone in Italy so it's official: I've started my YA!

The weather is HOT. Short shorts and denim skirt are now my best friends, along with airconditioning and ice creams...

Today I said goodbye to my parents quite early and then headed for the University to enroll. I received my student card and also made some friends: Javi and Blanca, two Spanish medical students who are doing their 5th year of medicine in Modena, they spoke mostly English to me and say they both need to learn Italian, and then on discovery that I'm studying French too Bianca and I both spoke perfectly with each other in French. They also gave me some useful tips, such as it's much more 'economico' to buy myself a second hand bike and re-sell it at the end of term than to get the bus every day. I intended to sort out a bike today but will have to do that tomorrow.

After enrolling I decided to find the library (getting more and more hot, walking around in the sunshine carrying my heavy handbag, over-night bag and laptop) and the library is beautiful (if interested here's a link to check it out: ) it has full airconditioning and loads of areas to hang out drinking coffee. I then went to a little cafe, found free wifi and got myself a pizza for €1,40. I decided it was time to work out the bus system and head to my room (I was pretty sick of carrying all those heavy things around) and so after a cold shower and a little nap I found the computer room.

Tonight I will be seeing some more of Modena with my good friend who did Erasmus in Durham last year, Giorgi.

A presto!

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